Mindful Habits Cards
“We're a multi-race home so integrating both English and Chinese is a key element for raising our child. My daughter loves her daily card picking and it's a great way for me and my husband to know what energy she's in that day. These cards are great for children but also for adults looking for inner child support too! I highly recommend these educational cards for conscious families! ❤️
— Coco, Mother & Soul Coach
“We bought the Compassion Culture mindful habits cards in the thick of home learning when we were all a tad fractious. A few months later, they still serve as great daily reminders to promote positivity, solid self-esteem, self advocacy, and so much more.”
— Sarah, Mother & PR Agency Founder
“We've been using the Compassion Culture Cards to begin teaching EQ and introduce social situations that can be difficult to navigate with words. We talk about the teaching associated with it, whether it be "courage", "bullies", "determination". He loves the cards because he sees himself reflected in the illustrations. They’ve really changed the way we start our mornings, and gives us that 15 minutes of total connectedness!”
— Ziggy, Mother & Wellness Coach
“Love having a little activity to do each week with my eldest. A moment for us to connect, learn and remind ourselves of what’s important. A super useful tool to have and a fun one at that.”
— Lauren, Mother of Two
“The pressure of working from home and home schooling has added pressure on families and relationships. My daughter was feeling frustrated and would act out due to the stress. The cards gave us the opportunity to connect, slow down and reflect. What I really love about these cards is that it gives us quality time together as mother and daughter. We look forward to our discussions and the cards have really opened my eyes to understand things from my daughter's perspective. The cards also remind me to slow down and appreciate the present. And as a mum dealing with mum guilt often, these cards gives me the assurance that I am enough.’
— Jade, Mother & Co-founder of Happy Baton
“We’ve been trying to set up new intentions and getting back into the Rhythm at our new home. As an advocate to mindfulness, I try my best to be aware and present in every step, especially with parenting. I’ve recently discovered the Mindful Habit Cards, which have not only served as a great little reminder of positivity for our family but also a great tool to help educate us and other parents about our children’s emotional development.”
— Rachel, Mother & Personal Trainer
“ 此套教材令我的學生在繁重的學習下找到喘息的空間,亦提醒了他們 何愛自己及欣賞自己。作為老師,此教材亦能教導我如何帶領學生面對日常壓力,走向正向。現在,我和我的學生也很期待每星期的「抽卡時間」。”
— Tidus, Art Teacher
“I've been using Mindful Habits cards with my 4 year old students and found they are very eager to reflect on their mindful habits. I was surprised by some of their sharings especially with this card I'm holding here, 'I do random acts of kindness for others. With one little boy whose English is his second language, I thought that the word kindness would be a little difficult for him to understand. However, thanks to the beautiful and detailed illustrations on each card, he was able to tell me how he did random acts of kindness. He shared with me that he gave a cushion for his little brother to rest his broken arm on. ♥️ The young ones might not be able to read all the words but they can definitely talk about what they see on each card and relate it to their own experiences. Overall, I'm really happy to have these as my teaching materials.”
— Merian, Early Childhood Teacher
“TThe 44 mindful habits cards are great for Scott and I. Categorised under Growth, Connection and Wellbeing, each of these cards are colourful and filled with easy to read sentences; they are also direct and simple enough to resonate with. I paste a new card at our key cabinet where we keep our masks so that everyone gets to read it and be reminded to start the day on a positive note”
— Victoria, Mother and Edupreneur
“After reading the description of the card deck, I knew very clearly that it is a great gift for my inner child and of course for friends who have kids. I pick a card each day, as a reminder and affirmation. Very often the theme of the card resonates with my energy healing intention of that week. It’s fun to work with these cards, it reminds me to honour my inner child, to add a bit more fun to my self care routine, to be less serious. I love the words and illustrations. This is a beautiful creation, with lots of love and support for parents and the next generation!”
— Linny, Healer
“Compassion Culture’s Egg Tart set is a great way for teaching kids to recognise their emotions and the meaning of each. Henry immediately enjoyed them, and I can feel it’s the perfect age (2 yo) for him now to learn naming his emotions. He also likes playing bakery shop with them, as on the picture 😁 I was worried letting Diane chew on them, but their material, even if foamy, doesn’t tear. A great local gift for kids between 12 and 36 mo in my opinion! Would have loved getting it earlier for Henry since it’s so helpful and visual.”
— Alix, Mother of Diane
“Chester had so much fun playing with these Emotions Egg Tarts. Chester like flipping the egg tarts and follow the faces on them and also like squeezing and pretend to eat them ☺️ We had some quality bonding time while playing with them and they actually smell good as well 😇”
— Emily, Mother of Chester
“呢個Emotions Eggtart 好受Lucas歡迎😆 (因為的確好香!)呢款玩具係一個好好嘅transition玩具,除咗Lucas已經玩得好熟手嘅stacking,仲可以用黎練習counting!同時亦可以透過Lucas喜愛嘅食物教佢identify唔同情緒😁😠😩🤩 I personally love these Emotions egg tarts very much as it is rare to see emotions-related toys in Hong Kong. I have found some related teaching materials from books or printables but that’s about it.”
— Christine, Mother of Lucas
“收到《情感蛋撻》時,姐弟倆忍不住馬上拆開來, 趕緊把它打開放在玩具托盤, 要模仿起來😆 揉按手感超軟Q,完全沒有塑膠的難聞氣味, 還有特别的香氣㊙️🤫 日常中, 每時每刻都需要面對著不同情緒🎭 小孩需要父母的引導來平復不同心情和學習面對挫敗。”
— Elise, Mother of Freya and Mylon
Emotion Egg Tarts
“今日我開鋪賣蛋撻 ,每個蛋撻都唔同名 ( joy /sadness / anger / excitement / fear/ surprise / disgust / calm ) 每個蛋撻都有唔同嘅表情,媽咪就模仿佢地, 教我點樣表達情緒。你地又估下我而家尼個樣係邊種情緒? 當然係excitement ! 因為又有新野食🤍”
— Mandy, Mother of Alexa
“Every parent should look after themselves first before their kids and family, in order to have a loving and strong bond with them 🏠💕Loving these important reminder cards that help us to find ways looking after our mental and physical wellness. Happy mum happy family, pick one a day and make time for yourself too mama and papa! You deserve it !”
— Emily
Caring for the Carer Deck
“Being a parent is the hardest job on the planet. It's taxing on the mind, body and soul. They always say rewards of being a parent makes it all worth it, but sometimes (if not most of the time...) it gets very overwhelming... 每次絕望,無助或者失落嘅時候,都要記住要先照顧好自己先可以照顧好小朋友。 Thank you @compassionculturehk for creating this beauuuuutiful deck 💕💖”
— Christine
“育兒路上👶🏻無論是全職媽媽或半職媽媽每天都要面對著不同壓力⋯身為全職媽媽的我,需要全天候貼身照顧兩個小孩,經常會迷失方向、失去自我🙎🏻♀️「私人時間」被小孩私有化😮💨只想要把時間都預留給孩子們,以他們為先🌟 那·····自己呢?😳 要愛別人先要好好愛自己🫶🏻調整好自己心情才能照顧自己、照顧小孩👶🏻學習好好愛自己、適時表達需求、安頓好心靈❤️🩹 絕對不能讓焦慮或抑鬱心情發酵💙要知道抑鬱症無所不在,侵蝕你的心靈、最後更會影響著正常作息😢 霏媽收到這套卡牌後,印象最深刻就是打開盒子看到裡頭寫著:「你就是你孩子所需要的父母。You are exactly who your children need.」說得對!孩子能深深感受到屬於自己父母親的愛⋯無人能比、無人能及,他人怎麼能取代呢🫥就讓這套充滿著愛的卡牌帶領我們每一位父母🤗 從新出發🌟從心出發💗.”
— Elise
“With so much going on, it’s always wonderful to have helpful reminders like Compassion Culture’s Carer cards by my bedside. Each day I get to do an activity that centers my mind back onto what really matters, and it brings a smile to my face. Excited for those who’ll get their hands on these refreshing cards Much love and blessings!”