4 Ways You Can Practice Mindfulness with your Toddler
Why is it important for our kids to live mindfully?
Toddlers have big emotions and that’s OK. We can help them address big emotions without letting them turn us upside down, and the good news is we can practice these with our toddlers so they can begin to manage their own emotions as they grow. When they feel there are other ways to communicate or manage their emotions, they will feel less need to go the chaotic route.
Where a parent ultimately helps in cultivating mindfulness is providing the space to keep a toddler's keen sense of awareness alive, and to help them learn to express and regulate their emotions mindfully. This is done best by role modelling and practice, which helps form a closer bond between the two of you, as they continue to share their inner worlds with you beyond childhood.
Mindful Breathing
Validate Their Emotions and Help Them Respond
Make Time for Outdoor Playtime
Acknowledge Their Efforts vs Results
You can read the full article on Retykle’s website. Hope this is helpful in helping understand what mindfulness in action might look like for you and your little one. Enjoy!